Cappella Nova in association with…
Centre for Lifelong Learning
Cappella Nova’s ongoing collaborations with the Centre at the University of Strathclyde offer a blend of group-singing development opportunities for all (beginner upwards…). As part of the Centre’s Autumn 2024 Programme, we are delighted to present a range of opportunities to suit all interests: The Morning Choir on Tuesday mornings from 8 October to 10 December, Songs of the Great Musicals on Wednesday mornings from 9 October to 4 December, Health and Well-being through Song for Beginners on Thursday mornings 10 October to 12 December, and Health and Well-being through Song for Improvers on Thursday afternoons from 10 October to 12 December.
Bookings open on Wednesday 21 August.
Alzheimer Scotland

“We Sing Together Café” returns!…
Cappella Nova Outreach’s monthly dementia-friendly Singalong Sessions take place monthly at Alzheimer Scotland’s Resource Centre at 81-91 Oxford Street Glasgow G5 9EP, 1.30 for 2.00-3.00pm, usually on the third Friday afternoon of the month. The Sessions feature anything from ‘Ten Green Bottles’ to ‘Moon River’ and ‘Morningtown Ride’ to ‘Mairi’s Wedding’ – as well as call-and-response songs and rounds – so expect plenty of well-known songs that are enjoyable to sing!
The Sessions are fully inclusive and are open to anybody who simply loves singing (which may include those living with dementia and their carers), so if you would be interested in supporting and participating, or want more information, please indicate this on the Contact Form. Forthcoming dates can be seen on this Forthcoming dementia-friendly singalong sessions are listed on the Poster.
Musica Sacra Scotland
We have established a Schola at St Columbkille’s Church, Rutherglen, 2 Kirkwood Street, Rutherglen, G73 2SL to sing every few weeks at celebrations of the 4.00pm Sunday Mass. We are now canvassing for participants for the 4.00pm Mass on Sundays 10 November & 8 December 2024, as well as for the First Mass of the Nativity at 4.00pm on Tuesday 24 December 2024 – in all cases meeting an hour beforehand for rehearsal.
If you are interested in participating in the Schola, or want more information, please indicate this on the Contact Form.
Royal School of Church Music
During the early months of the COVD-19 Pandemic, Rebecca Tavener shared weekly Singing Tips which have been gathered together online by the Royal School of Church Music.
Read all the latest in the Cappella Nova Outreach Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2024.